9 Annoying Things Girls Do That Guys Hate

Ladies, we don’t love everything about you. We have a lot of turn offs along with our turn ons. Check out the ten things women do that guys hate.
things girls do that guys hate

7. When She Still Talks About Her Ex

There is a difference between thinking about how your past was and always thinking about your history. Guys don’t like it if their girls keep bringing up their ex in every conversation they have.

8. When She Complains Too Much

Your guy may not be perfect, but he may actively be trying to improve himself, there is no need to throw a tantrum every time you spot a mistake in him. Remember, when you fell in love with him, you fell in love with his imperfections, too.

9. When She Talks To Her Ex

This is the epitome of disliked things. If a girl is still in contact with her ex, it is not going to be taken lightly. Ladies, make sure you cut off all past relationships before committing to the next one.

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