My girlfriend broke up with me after five years but still wants to live and sleep with me

A new story of a breakup awaits our readers today. The story is about a girlfriend who suddenly got fed up with a guy, and even after splitting up; she couldn’t resist sleeping with him. In the Reddit post, this guy talks about how his girlfriend broke up with him after two weeks when he learned to live without her. She told him that she still wanted to live with him and be his friend. Here is the real story of how this guy became disturbed following all of this drama: 

The Story:

“We had a conversion yesterday and she told me about her feeling, she doesn’t love me anymore, no particular reason, it’s gone, it can’t come back, nothing to do, it’s the end.

I was prepared since 2 weeks because she was very distant, so I handle it very well to be honest, far better I expected. I was very sad, but relieved that this nightmare was over, to no longer live with doubt and questioning, that she had found the strength to tell me things and imagine that it soothed her heart too.

But well, things cannot be so simple! She tell me she still want to live with me, she want to be my friend. I said to myself, she’s trying to reassure me that I’m not going to find myself alone overnight.

I didn’t want us to continue living together by default or out of pity or to avoid loneliness.

So I ask her directly, “do you prefer to live alone or with me ?” she said with me, I asked another question “Do you want to live with Luna (her best friend) or with me ?” she said with me.

I found that weird, but it was only the beginning. I wanted to sleep in the living room, and she doesn’t accept it, she come multiple time to speak with me during the night, and finish by sleep with me because she doesn’t want to sleep without me.

And this morning she can’t stop to be tactile with me, and started to cry, and told me she doesn’t understand what is happening in her head because she doesn’t feel the same thing as yesterday.

She asked me “You’re not going to leave are you?”, I said no but… well, maybe yes, I should.

It look like she is regretting very fast…

But I don’t want to have hope for nothing, I don’t know how to behave. It look like she realise what she did and what she lost.

But what is the value of this electric shock? Is it temporary? She says her brain sends her lots of images of what she likes about me and really doesn’t understand what’s going on.

I told her I was really surprised by her reaction, I thought she would be relieved and start to get back to normal.

But I have in front of me someone who wants to continue to live, sleep and have affection with me. That for me it is the very definition of love. That if it’s a lack of sexual desire or something else it can be worked on. I added that it was my definition and that perhaps we did not have the same one.

She said “yet I agree with what you say”.

She continue to cry and show regrets, I told her that I understood, that I’ve known this feeling before, of realizing the importance of things when I lose them, that it didn’t matter, that she had to take the time to reflect and put her mind and ideas in order.

I don’t know what else to do, I just want her to be okay and know what she wants, I love her so much

But I don’t want to be abused either, I’m too nice and in the end it’s always me who suffers the most.”

The Responses:

His post received more than 100 responses; we have collected some of the most interesting ones below: 

Equivalent_Pirate_19 said:

Shouldn’t be living together if y’all are gonna be broken up, for a whole bunch of really obvious reasons. Given the heightened emotions, y’all should prob have a cooling off period for a while before attempting friendship as well.

IncredulousListening commented:

So, she broke up with you. But, she still wants everything to be the same; she just doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you. What about being in a relationship with you does she find so negative that she wants to end it? Question: is she contributing to the finances? Paying her half of the rent and groceries and bills. Because if not, maybe this is why she wants to continue living with you, but still have other options.

Either way, it sounds like perhaps some distance is required. I’d recommend asking her to go to her friend’s or family’s house for some time so she and you can process your feelings and see how you feel about everything.

Malevolent_Mangoes says:

No dude, just no. She wants to use you. Tell her she needs to move out. You deserve better than that.

uncreative_kid writes:

if you want to make it work, at the very least go to couples counseling. then maybe therapy for her too if you decide to stay together.

otherwise a clean break is best. good luck with whatever you choose to do.

Known-Analyst4198 said:

She’s basically telling you she’s either already riding some guy’s D or plans to do it ASAP.

Setting things up this way makes it easy for her to con you into getting back together if things don’t work out with him.

Test her. Ask her to give you her phone and that if she deletes anything before giving it to you, that’s the last time you’ll ever talk to her again and see how she reacts.

This post has over 100 comments, you can read them on Reddit here.

What’s Your Take?

Is there anything else you would like to add to this story? Would you encourage him to reintegrate her into his life or think that she is using him? Share your thoughts in the comments section: 

Source: Reddit

  1. Do you have a 2022 honest equal relationship or an outdated unbalanced 1950’s relationship? Equal partners? If no, she is using and manipulating you 100%. If you had an equal relationship, nothing has changed except the sexual part. It seems she wants all the benefits from you and to prevent you from moving on, from dating, from healing from the relationship with her. She needs to be in counseling to figure out what she wants. IMO, you both need to live separately and have no contact for a least one year. Is she wanting to have sex with others while maintaining the comfort and emotional support she gets from the man?

  2. Run hard. Run fast. Don’t look back. Give her a specific time a few hours 2-4 at most to pack and get out. Make sure you have 2-3 of your own fringes there during the packing time so she doesn’t go psycho. Change the locks. Change the phone number and email. Block her on all social media. Do not engage her or even answer any attempts to reconnect. If there are firearms in the house secure them or better yet remove them before her moving out.

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