Pregnant Woman on Bus Sits on Man’s Hand When He Refuses to Take it Off Empty Seat

Every so often, we come across stories that boggle the mind. In a society where kindness is a necessity, there are plenty of people who would do anything but be kind to another.

Such is today’s story about a man on a bus who took two seats – one for himself and one to rest his hand. When a pregnant woman got on the bus, she saw the empty seat and that’s where our story begins.

The Story

Redditor, Tiredthriwaway55654, shared her story of a rude man on the bus who refused to get his hand off the empty seat even though he was asked nicely. She shares her story on AITA (Am I the A**hole?) asking whether she did the right thing or not. She wrote:

“Pretty sure I was an a**hole here but we’ll see.”

“So, I, f30, am 8 months pregnant. I take public transport to work daily. I’m always exhausted cause I have to work extra time to be able to afford basic necessities. I take the bus to work everyday and often times it’s packed, but I get lucky enough when decent folks volunteer their seats for me. Now I should mention that I Don use my pregnancy as an excuse to get what I want but people just offer me their places by themselves whichs kind and sweet.”

“Wednesday, I get on the bus like usual but this time there’s one empty seat, I go to sit but i find a guy in his business attire sitting there with his hand on the empty seat (sort of like resting it?) I say excuse me and ask him to remove his hand so I could sit, but he tells me the seat was “taken”. I ask by who and he says his hand. Ngl….I laughed a little but wasn’t feeling well so I ask him to remove it so I could sit but he refuses again, folks start staring I tell him I’m tired and needed to sit and he replies saying my pregnancy isn’t his problem. I had enough at this point, my legs were burning and my back was hurting, so I go ahead and sit on his hand. He freaks out and tries to removes it quickly while shouting at me. He then starts arguing about how disrespectful i was to do this inappropriate thing and in public no less, I argue back ngl but then he gets off after saying I was being inappropriate and disrespectful. Everyone stares at me and I just sit there feeling a bit of shame about what happened.”

“I tell my husband about this incident and he wtf’d the entire time, then says that I did indeed act inappropriately and shouldn’t have made this guy uncomfortable by sitting on his hand like that. He tells me I f***ed up and this was totally inappropriate despite me saying I was so tired of standing and was in desperate need to sit down.”


“ETA several points- like I said I do get offered seats from others so I’m being treated well most of the time, but unfortunately run into some people who don’t do that. This guys seemed to be upset about something and then the argument probably made it worse. I could’ve de-escalated by maybe talking to the driver? How ever, I’m pretty sure he didn’t pay for the seat just to put his hand on it (who does that?). Also, most of the passengers were younger folks that day. I normally I would get a seat from older folks.”

The Responses

Even though she thought she was wrong, the community didn’t think so. Everyone supported her for what she did and took her side. For context, NTA means “Not the A**hole.” Here are some of the top comments:

JustASW rightfully commented:

“NTA. Though, I can’t believe you stole the seat from his only lover!”

MechanicMel84 wrote:

“NTA. I’ve been 8 months pregnant on public transportation and I 100% would have done exactly as you did. 🤷‍♀️ seriously, what did he expect?”

Sleepwalker0304 said:


“His discomfort was his own damn fault. He tried to be an a**hole and got pissed when you called him on it.”

This post has over 2500 comments at the time of writing this article, you can read them on Reddit here.

Our Take

Most definitely NTA. This man was very rude and lacked kindness in more ways than one. We think this woman didn’t do anything wrong.

What’s Your Take?

What’s your take on this woman’s story? Share your take in the comments below.

Source: Reddit

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