Humor doesn’t work if it’s tacky and disrespectful. Such is the case with reporter and journalist Nylah Burton, who “jokingly” posted a Tweet on her now-deleted Twitter account. In said Tweet, she joked how Queen Elizabeth should have been the one to pass away instead of Betty White.

After posting this initial Tweet, she followed up with another tasteless joke saying:
“Why not Queen Elizabeth?? The universe took the wrong old white lady smdh”
It didn’t take long for a massive outrage across the internet to burst open on Nylah. Many people replied to her Tweets, saying she shouldn’t joke like that, especially when she’s a journalist who has worked for big names like Bustle & Vox.
Some notable Tweets against her “jokes” came from the likes of Piers Morgan & Chris Suave. They posted the following Tweets:

Upon seeing everyone’s reaction, Nylah first made her Twitter private. But soon after, she deleted it altogether. People are demanding an explanation for why she posted such remarks, and rightfully so.

We recently wrote on Ms. Betty White’s passing a few days ago and we were all saddened by it. She was a superstar who made a name for herself by being an incredible actress and role model since the early 1940s – being on hit TV shows, major movies, special appearances and receiving countless awards for her illustrious career.
Her loss still saddens us; she was going to turn 100 this January. It was one of the saddest pieces we’ve had to write to begin 2022. She was indeed a legend, an expert in her craft, and her death shouldn’t be associated with jokes, especially not to make fun of Queen Elizabeth.
Source: TheDailyMail
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