The best kinds of couples are able to push past their troubles and find comfort in their shared love.
No relationship is ever guaranteed success. Happy endings are never promised. A successful relationship requires a lot of patience, commitment, and understanding. Couples will always go through rough patches and they will always have to deal with issues that concern their relationships. Problems within the relationship are bound to arise, and the best kinds of couples are able to push past their troubles and find comfort in their shared love.
When you feel like your relationship is getting tougher and tougher to deal with, don’t start talking breakups just yet. There are ways you can remedy your vulnerable situation with your partner. You don’t have to feel down in the dumps just because your relationship is going through its lows. Remember that there are very few things that communication and understanding can’t fix in a relationship.
When you feel like you’re going through a rough patch, here are some conversation topics that you can try out to help save your relationship:
1. Is there anything you need from me?
A lot of times, arguments can stem from cases of miscommunication and pent up emotions. That is why it’s always important to maintain open lines of communication with your significant other. A great way to avoid having cases of miscommunication is to allow each other the space to be honest regarding wants and needs. Ask your partner often if there is anything you can do to satisfy their own needs in the relationship.
2. How can I help make your day better?
Stress is always best dealt with when it comes to a relationship. You don’t want stress to gradually build up and unleash a force of unbearable pressure in your relationship. That’s why both of you should always make an effort to destress each other. Even simple gestures like offering to run errands for each other will do wonders for stress management.
3. I’m sorry.
When you screw up, own up to it. A lot of times, our pride gets in the way of making our relationship work. We have to understand that when we get into relationships, it’s no longer just our egos that are at play here. We have to be willing to swallow our pride and own up to our shortcomings whenever we don’t meet expectations. Say sorry, and be sincere about it.
4. Please forgive me.
In connection with the previous item, it’s not enough that you just say sorry. Yes, you admitted your own faults and you owned up to your failures, but you also have to afford your partner the chance to forgive you. Just because you say sorry doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook. Ask for forgiveness and let your partner know that his/her feelings about the situation matter to you as well.
5. I appreciate you.
Show your gratitude. Never hesitate to let your partner know how much you appreciate who they are and what they do. Never miss out on opportunities to say thank you especially when they do something nice for you.
6. You make me so proud.
Be your partner’s number one cheerleader. You have to be your partner’s rock and support system at all times. You can’t afford to be just a spectator on the sidelines. Whenever your partner is going through a major life milestone, then you should always be present for the moment. Let your partner know that you’ll always be standing by his/her side at the happiest moments of his/her life.
7. Our kids are lucky to have you as a parent.
It may seem cruel to be using your kids as a way to reignite the flame of your relationship, but it really isn’t. It’s a genuinely sincere and endearing way to express your love, gratitude, and admiration for your partner. It’s a great compliment to bestow on any parent, and people never get to hear it enough. You never know when your partner is doubting his/her parenting skills.
8. I love you very much.
I love you is probably the most abused collection of words in the romantic language. But the reason why that is so is because its simplicity is simply a façade. These three words carry so much more emotional weight than they seem. Express your love for each other as often as you possibly can.
9. I’m going to try harder with you.
Let your partner know that you understand that your relationship is a work-in-progress. You know that nothing is ever promised and that you aren’t entitled to anything at all. You have to earn all that you want in life and that includes love. Let your partner know that you are willing to put in the work to ensure the success of your relationship by saying that you are always open to trying harder.
10. Thank you for being someone I love being with.
Lastly, just show your partner your appreciation of who they are. Let your partner feel that you are genuinely thankful that he/she is a major presence in your life. Your partner must always know that he/she is an important piece of the puzzle that makes up your entire being.
Talk to me
When the going gets tough, what do you do? Let me know in the comments below!