5 Reasons Why A woman Dumps a Man


With each relationship, you hope that this might be ˜the one’; you never expect to be faced with a breakup. However, what you want and what you get can be surprisingly different things. At times the breakup might be abrupt, while other times you might see it coming. Whatever the case may be, there is always a reason behind it. Whether the reason is good enough or not, is a whole different story.

Women being the more complex gender may often have interesting reasons behind breaking up with a guy. Even though their reasons are never the same, here a few common ones;

1. Trust issues

People don’t trust easily, especially women. It’s only natural to look out for yourself, and to protect yourself from any sort of disappointment. Cheating is one of the reasons why men lose women’s trust, but it’s not the only reason. For some women, it means the end of the relationship. A very few women tend to excuse infidelity the first time, if their man profusely apologizes and promises to remain faithful, but; once a cheater, always a cheater.

Then there are the lies. It’s very difficult to be around someone who constantly lies. How can you be sure of anything he says? If he’s lying, he definitely has something to hide.

Unfulfilled promises also result in lack of trust. A slip every now and then is excusable (if it is reasonable), but if a guy’s words never fall in line with his actions, he cannot be trusted.

2. Control issues

Even if a guy is the dominant kind, he has to adjust himself in a relationship. You cannot simply take charge of the relationship, or your girl either. Relationships are fundamentally about sharing practically everything, including important decisions, finances etc.

We are all at liberty to be in control of our lives, but that is far as the controlling streak should be allowed to extend, anything beyond that would only push people away from you. Any woman would feel suffocated being in a relationship with a controlling man. She wouldn’t stand being constantly told how to live her life, and what she is or isn’t allowed to do.

3. Recklessness

The little things may be forgivable, but if a guy is careless when it comes to her feelings, needs, wants, and his responsibilities in the relationship, that might not be as easy to ignore. A man, who fails to do his part in the relationship, is not dependable in a woman’s book. And if you’re reckless, she knows she won’t get the treatment she deserves, which would ultimately lead her out of your life.

4.  Independence

Men, who tend to be too independent in any regard, tend to make the wrong impressions. Women prefer to be with someone who is dependable. Even though they’re not incapable of doing something on their own, but at times, it’s comforting to know that you have someone you can always fall back on.

5.  Too many restrictions

Again, she does not want to be dictated, no one does. Men who put unnecessary limitations on the women they’re in a relationship with, achieve nothing but resentment. Everything that happens in your relationship should be decided mutually. Restrictions only limit your growth as a person, and also the growth of the relationship. If a woman feels she isn’t gaining anything from the relationship, rather losing a sense of self, she would no longer want to be a part of it.

Ladies, talk it out

Have you ever dumped a guy? If yes, what were your reasons? Were they similar to the ones mentioned here? Do you think that breaking up over these reasons is justified?

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