Evil Stepmother Reveals Asking Her Fiancé to Get Rid of His 4-Year-Old Daughter

We’ve never, in our twelve years of writing, ever written about evil mothers – this is definitely a first. A woman posted her story online which got viral for all the wrong reasons – for being an evil stepmom.

The Story

This story has been so viral that’s it’s been posted everywhere online, it was also shared on Reddit’s SadDads subreddit where Reddit user schmeowy posted this future wife’s story. Here is what she said:

“My 32 year old fiancé has a 5 year-old daughter, her mother passed away when she was giving birth to her. He has been raising her ever since he lost his wife, with the help of his family of course. I am now in the picture and we’re going to get married in 2023 and I’m 6 months pregnant with his son.”

“I’m not the stepmother type, so I know I won’t treat his daughter the same way I will treat our son. To be quite honest, she annoys me! She looks exactly like her mother so she constantly reminds my fiancé of his dead wife and she is very attached to her daddy which makes me afraid that my son will not be able to bond with his father because of her.”

“Basically I want to tell my fiancé to get rid of her, she can live with her grandparents or we can find her a nice couple that wants to adopt a child. I don’t know how to approach the situation but I need to find a way to convince my fiancé’ to get rid of her.”

“I’m not a bad person, I’m just trying to look out for my son and make sure that he will get all his father’s attention that he deserves. Please help!!”

The Responses

People from the Reddit community were all equally shocked and appalled at this post. Here are some of the top comments:

GoofyGuy713 is truly stunned:

I’ve seen some bad stuff on Reddit, but this one hits in a different kind of f****ed up

SlapHappyDude can’t believe this is true:

“I truly hope this is fake”

MacAttack264984 wishes the husband well:

“I would hope he sees the post and keeps his daughter, dragging things out all the way to the wedding then pulls up a this image and leaves her standing at the altar.”

DoktorVinter spoke facts:

“Yeah so she’s gonna have to go. Preferably to the psych ward. WOWZA what a freaking mean SOB. And she is definitely the stepmother type. Haven’t she seen Disney movies?”

Decaprio69 named a movie after this story:

“The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this b**ch.”

You can read the rest of the comments on Reddit here.

Our Take

This has been one of the most disturbing things we’ve read about parenting and marriage, and we’ve been doing this for quite a while now. Everyone knows we have immense and immeasurable respect for mothers, but this woman makes us feel extremely off. We truly hope the husband of this story doesn’t let this woman ruin his little daughter’s life and stays true to his late wife’s memories.

What’s Your Take?

What do you feel about this woman and what she wants? Share your take in the comments below!

Source: Reddit“I want my fiance to get rid of his 4 year old daughter”

  1. The universe may just see fit that she be the next to lose her own life in childbirth…leaving her son to bond with his sister and father…and be raised by the next stepmother…he would likely be better off she is critically delusional.

  2. Dear fiancee:
    Get rid of yourEvil pregnant fiancee and your unborn son.
    Keep your lovely daugther!
    She deserve ( and you too) someone who really can love you both.!

  3. On a serious tip: I hope someone has reported her to the Police or a similar authority. Something is DEF not right about this person. That fella needs to snatch his daughter and run like hell!

  4. I hope you read what she wrote and tell her to go and when your son is born, take him and keep her away so he doesn’t grow up twisted. How sad to have so much hate for a child. Prayers for this evil woman.

  5. I agree that this monster shouldn’t be allowed to be around kids, including her own. But you actually got this story completely wrong. Either that or this story isn’t true, hence the varying details. The story is the same but the details are quite different. Originally, this monster’s fiancé has a 4-year-old daughter, is scheduled to get married in 2022, and is 7 months pregnant with a baby girl. I’m thinking (and hoping) this is just because this story isn’t true.

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