Not all relationship problems can be fixed. You have to understand that not all people are meant to be together. Things won’t always turn out the way that you want it to. And when things start turning sour, you have to be strong enough to end things on your own accord rather than wait for it to die a disastrous death.
Breakups can be tough. We know. That’s why some couples choose to prolong the agony of being in a sad and emotionally bankrupt relationship as opposed to facing the hassles of a breakup head on. People always end up getting hurt and things can get pretty messy. You don’t want any bad blood and so you avoid all talks of breakups as much as possible. You don’t like the idea of having to end your relationship on bad notes because you feel like if you work hard enough, you can still fix things.
However, not all relationship problems can be fixed. You have to understand that not all people are meant to be together. Things won’t always turn out the way that you want it to. And when things start turning sour, you have to be strong enough to end things on your own accord rather than wait for it to die a disastrous death. If you notice the signs of breakup in your relationship, it’s understandable for you to want to try to fix things first. But when the signs become too strong to ignore, well, you know what to do. Just be on the lookout for any subtle indications. Your relationship is probably over if you notice these simple signs:
1. You don’t communicate or show intimacy to each other anymore.
Playful kisses or hugs are practically out of the question. Good luck trying to get him to cuddle with you on the coach. Your dates are mostly composed of silent pauses and awkward banter. There’s just no chemistry anymore and everything seems so forced.
2. You no longer feel like it’s important to make time for each other.
You blow each other off often. You start spending more time at work or with your friends. You don’t really care if he can’t make the time to go out on a date with you anymore. You’ve practically deprioritized each other as far as schedules are concerned.
3. You treat your relationship like a competition.
You’re constantly trying to one-up each other. You can’t find happiness in each other’s achievements.
4. You avoid talking about your problems.
Whenever either of you know that you’re going through rough patches, you should be comfortable with working things out. If one of you is reluctant to face your problems, then that means there is also a reluctance to fix things with your relationship.В – Continue reading on the next page
5. You treat your relationship like a chore.
You see dates as something you just HAVE to do because you’re in a relationship. You treat sex like it’s a chore that you have to do every once in a while. There’s no more sense of romantic spark or longing, and that’s sad.
6. One or both of you are entertaining the thought of dating other people.
The wandering heart is a very good indication of a bad relationship. Put an end to your misery and break up with each other so you can start seeing other people. Trust us, you’ll both thank each other in the long run.
7. You’re caught in an endless loop of recycled arguments and disagreement.
Being in your presence is like being around a broken record. You always find yourselves arguing about the same things and disagreeing about the same issues. You keep having the same arguments over and over again. Just come to terms with the fact that you’re never going to find a middle ground.
8. You no longer feel like you have a support-system.
That shoulder to lean on whenever you’re feeling down? Yeah, you’re going to have to find it elsewhere because your partner isn’t going to be that shoulder for you.
9. You lose your confidence and self-esteem.
You feel belittled and weak whenever you’re in the presence of your partner. You’re constantly trying to put each other down and you’re relationship is no longer built on a foundation of support and care. You don’t nurture each other anymore and you find that there is constant bickering and resentment.
10. You don’t do anything together anymore.
If you don’t enjoy being in each other’s company, what’s the point of being in a relationship? If she prefers to spend more time with her siblings, or if she wants to spend more time with his workmates, what does that say about your relationship?В – Continue reading on the next page
11. You’re forced to drop certain social circles.
Any kind of relationship that forces you to drop certain social circles is one that is not worth having. You shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone who makes you choose between him/her and your family or friends.
12. You have a terrible or non-existent sex life.
There are some couples who choose to abstain from sex completely until marriage, and we do respect their beliefs on that matter. However, for couples who used to be sexually active but now find themselves not getting any good action in the bedroom, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate your relationship.
13. You hate the person you’ve become in this relationship.
You are the most important person in your perception of your relationship. If you don’t like the person you’re becoming as a result of your relationship, then just get out while you can. Allow yourself to heal and grow in the single life, or in a relationship with another person.
Talk to me
Are you going through a tough breakup? Let it out, talk to me about it in the comments below!